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RSCC Policy PA-24-01; Faculty Job Description

Roane State Community College
Policy Number: PA-24-01
Subject: Faculty Job Description
  1. Faculty
    The individual instructor is the key figure in the educational process of the college, and his/her attitude, personality, skill, character, and initiative will determine how well the college accomplishes its mission and the general education objectives. He/she plays a prominent role in curriculum development through constant evaluation of student, course and program outcomes. Refer to PA-22-02 for information on academic freedom. (Access the complete detailed RSCC Policy PA-22-02, Academic Freedom and Responsibility at
  2. Adjunct Faculty
    Part-time faculty members are employed on a per-term, per-hour, or per-course basis. Terms and responsibilities of part-time faculty are determined on the basis of need at the time of employment. Part-time faculty are not entitled to rank or tenure. Refer to PA-27-01 for information on adjunct faculty credentials and to PA-26-03 for information on supervision, orientation, and evaluation of adjunct faculty. (Access the complete detailed RSCC policy PA-27-01, Faculty Qualifications, and PA-26-02, Faculty Evaluation, at
  3. Instructional Responsibilities and Procedures
    The following list of responsibilities and procedures should not be considered as a complete list but as a guide for some of the activities that have been and are now being done in and through the college as an institution. These guidelines must constantly be evaluated, changed, and supplemented as needs become apparent.

    Faculty members who are assigned full-time to one of the instructional divisions are responsible to the appropriate dean and the Vice President for Student Learning for fulfilling the following duties and responsibilities:
    1. A full teaching load will be 15 hours or the equivalent per term unless the dean assigns other duties for the benefit of the college. Additional teaching load assignments may be made within the TBR Policy on Extra Compensation.
    2. Maintain current course syllabi, indicating course objectives and submit to the dean and students on the first day of class. Syllabi should follow the syllabus template recommended by Faculty Senate and approved by the Chief Academic Officer and President.
    3. Assist with student advisement and monitor student progress.
    4. Maintain accurate records of class attendance and grades. Refer to RSCC policies AA-09-01, AA-10-01, and AA-11-01 for related information at
    5. Submit accurate grade reports and other requested administrative information promptly according to institutional due dates.
    6. Propose curriculum development following RSCC policy AA-07-01 (access the complete detailed RSCC policy AA-07-01, Curriculum Development, at Revise instructional approaches, materials, textbooks, supplemental reading, and activities to maintain state-of-the-art methods for instruction and evaluation. (For related information access the complete detailed RSCC policy AA-13-01, Library Materials Selection Criteria, at
    7. Each full-time faculty member is required to devote 37.5 hours per week to the college of which 30 hours will be reported on a faculty schedule (faculty locator). The 30 hours reported on the locator will include:
      1. Teaching time (classroom/lab/clinical instructional time required to meet assigned load)
      2. Office time (faculty members will keep regular hours in their offices, in addition to their teaching duties, in order to be available to students and other faculty, and to fulfill administrative responsibilities)
      3. Work-related travel time. Work-related travel is defined as travel between Roane State sites or other travel in service of Roane State. Work-related travel does not include commute time (time equivalent to the round-trip travel time between the faculty member's home and their official station). Official station is defined in policy BA-01-01. (Access the complete detailed RSCC policy BA-01-01, General Travel, at
      4. Teaching time and office/work-related travel time are related on a one-to-one basis with the possible exception of lab and/or other external learning experiences. Thus, a faculty member teaching a 15 hour load of traditional live classes (without laboratory or clinical components) would report 15 hours of teaching time and 15 hours of office/work-related travel time. Full-time faculty teaching in laboratory and/or external learning experiences would report the same total number of hours on the locator as do faculty without lab/clinical responsibilities. However, teaching time may represent more than 50% of the hours reported for faculty with lab/or external learning experiences. (This example applies when faculty with or without lab/clinical responsibilities have credit hour loads containing the same mix of live and web-based hours. Additional guidelines for reporting requirements specific to web-based instruction are included below.)
      5. Faculty who are granted release time for a given semester will not be required to report the teaching release time or associated office/work-related travel time on the faculty locator.
      6. If a faculty member is teaching a paid overload, the faculty member will not be required to have office time scheduled beyond that associated with their full-time load. If the faculty member is teaching an overload in one semester with the intent of teaching an underload in the following semester, one additional hour of office time for each overload hour should be scheduled. During the underload semester, the hours reported for office/work-related travel time, should equal the hours of teaching credit hour load (except as noted above for laboratory and clinical instruction).
      7. In order to accommodate the needs of students enrolled in web courses, faculty will have the option of arranging for one hour of “virtual teaching time” for each credit hour of web-based teaching (this does not apply to web-enhanced teaching). Additionally, one hour of “virtual office time” may be arranged for each credit hour of web-based teaching (again, this does not apply to web-enhanced instruction). Faculty will not be required to be on campus for these virtual teaching and office hours. Regardless of the mix of live and web-based classes in a faculty member’s schedule, however, faculty locators will report a minimum of 10 hours of combined teaching time and office/work-related travel time. The following table provides details about the relationship between faculty credit hour load in an online format and total time reported on the faculty locator.

        Teaching Hour Load: Live

        Teaching Hour Load: Web Reported Teaching Time* Reported Office/Work-related Travel Time Sum of Reported Teaching & Office/Work-related Travel Time
        15 0 15 15 30
        12 3 12 12 24
        9 6 9 9 18
        6 9 6 6 12
        3 12 3 7 10
        0 15 0 10 10
        * Time in a face-to-face class setting (contact hours)
      8. All faculty members are expected to maintain office hours (representing the major portion of the broader office time classification) and provide normal tutorial assistance to their students. Under no circumstances will a faculty member charge any student enrolled in the college for assistance in matters related to his/her teaching duties. Faculty will also be available to students for advising purposes during office hours.
      9. It is possible that for faculty who teach classes with laboratory or external learning components the sum of teaching time and work-related travel time may equal or exceed 30 hours per week (i.e.., the faculty member fulfills the 30 hour reporting requirement on the locator without the inclusion of any office hours). In this circumstance, the faculty member would, nonetheless, report a minimum of four office hours per week (meaning that the total hours reported on the locator would exceed 30).
      10. Teaching time and office/work-related travel time will be rescheduled each term to correspond to the new schedule for that particular term. Faculty locators indicating hours of availability (defined as teaching time, office time, and work-related travel time) must be posted in the immediate vicinity of each of the faculty member's office/workspace location(s) and filed with the appropriate dean and the Vice President for Student Learning. It is the responsibility of the deans to see that new faculty locators are posted promptly each term.
      11. Faculty locators will list the faculty member’s Roane State email address and Roane State extension. Locators will also provide information on the total number of credit hours being taught in a web format by the faculty member. Additionally, faculty locators will include a statement indicating that office hours may be arranged by appointment.
    8. Maintain classroom discipline appropriate for the learning objectives of course(s).
    9. Administer appropriate evaluations and tests to demonstrate achievement of general education and course objectives. Final examinations or evaluation plans must be filed with the appropriate dean for each course of instruction.
    10. Attend division, faculty, committee, and other institutional meetings for the welfare and support of the college.
    11. Maintain participation and memberships in coursework, professional organizations, and community programs to promote timely professional growth and contribution.
    12. Utilize the college library for personal growth, class instruction and research, and assist in maintaining appropriate library collections for courses taught.
    13. Participate in commencement ceremony.
    14. Assist with faculty and student organizations, public relations, and recruitment.
  4. Non-Instructional Responsibilities
    In addition to the instructional responsibilities, faculty members are expected to perform other duties that contribute to the welfare and support of the college. Among these are academic advising of students, committee assignments and mentoring. Assignment of non-instructional duties will be examined to assure that faculty members will not be asked to assume additional responsibilities which might prove detrimental to teaching performance.

    The Vice President for Student Learning will appoint faculty to serve on standing committees in the fall term to serve for that academic year. Faculty members are given the opportunity to indicate preference for committee assignments. Although every person may not receive their first choice, an attempt will be made to honor the requests. Efforts will be made to limit the faculty member to no more than two standing committee assignments per academic year. Occasionally, faculty members may be asked to work on a special task force or temporary committee assignment. If any faculty member is asked to serve on more than two committees and that faculty member thinks that the additional assignment would be detrimental to teaching performance, the faculty member can ask to be relieved of the additional assignment. Refer to RSCC policy GA-25-01, Standing Committees, at

    Faculty members who have other Roane State responsibilities may be relieved of additional committee assignments.

  5. Notwithstanding the requirements defined in this document, other arrangements may be developed by the mutual agreement of a faculty member and their dean in unusual circumstances. Such agreements must be in writing.

(Originally posted as RSCC policy AA-03-01)

Revision History: 07/01/1990, 07/01/1995, 11/08/1999, 12/17/2007, 04/11/2011, 05/08/2015
TBR Policy Reference:
Revision Date Effective: 11/19/2018
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 01/11/1988
Original Approval By: Cuyler A. Dunbar, President
Office Responsible: Vice President Student Learning
Reviewed: 11/19/2018

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